Know your food
Know your food
1 - protein 20 % of calories required
A - consists of 22 amino acid composition 14 can be in
the body, and 8 are from the food we take
B - lower quality plant protein from animal proteins
T - grains and legumes are generally rich vegetable
protein , while meat and poultry , fish, eggs and dairy products rich in
protein animal
W - Proteins are needed to compensate for the damaged
cells to be a muscle , blood, skin, hair and nails and internal organs
C - proteins are 10% to 15 % in the food program
2 -
10% of the fat calories required
• consumed by the body in a state of hunger and heat
energy given to warmed
• animal fats rich in cholesterol , unlike vegetable
• olive oil , vegetable oils and fish oil reduces bad
3 - carbohydrates ( starches and sugars ), 70 % of calories required
• the main source of energy for all vital functions
and exercise
4 - mineral salts
A - Calcium
• is concentrated in the bones and teeth , and a small
amount of blood in the muscles and nerves
• found in milk and dairy products , legumes ,
vegetables and grains
• deficiency leads to osteoporosis
B - magnesium
• resides in the bones and plays a role in the
activity of nerves and muscles
• resides in vegetables and cereals
• deficiency leads to disturbances in the coronary
arteries and muscle contraction
C - Sodium
• There 's salt
• Increased taken to high blood pressure
D - Potassium
• necessary for the transfer of vibrational neuromuscular
• deficiency leads to vomiting and abdominal
distension and general weakness and muscle cramps and loss of appetite
• The main reason for the shortage is taking diuretics
• There is in the fruit , bananas, vegetables and
E - Iron
• the main component of hemoglobin , which is
necessary for the transfer of oxygen
• There 's meat, liver , eggs and wheat germ bread
• deficiency leads to fatigue , loss of appetite ,
nausea, sore tongue
5 - vitamins
A - water soluble B - dissolve in fat
- Vitamin C
• stimulates the immune system
• important for wound healing and strengthens blood
• helps the absorption of iron
• available in citrus fruits , cabbage, cantaloupe,
strawberries and tomatoes
• deficiency leads to scurvy disease and poor blood
vessels and joints
- Vitamin B
• responsible for appetite and nervous system and
contributes to the metabolism of fats and sugars and proteins
• available in vegetables, grains and nuts
• deficiency leads to weakness and loss of appetite
and neurological disorders
- Vitamin B- 2
• Important for skin and eye
• found in dairy products , meat , grains and
• deficiency leads to inflammation of the mucous
membranes and the dermis and neurological disorders
- Vitamin B- 3
• Important for the nervous system and the digestive
system and affects the skin
• Available in milk , meat , eggs, fish , fruits, and
• deficiency leads to weakness and disorders of mind
and diarrhea or Blajra
- Vitamin B- 6
• Important for the production of antibodies and helps
to strike a balance between sodium and potassium
• Available in grains , vegetables, meat and fish
• deficiency leads to skin infections and anemia and
the emergence of grain and water retention
- Vitamin B- 12
• enters in the production of red blood cells and
amino acids
• Available in meat, fish, dairy products and eggs
• deficiency leads to anemia and nervous system
B - the fat-soluble
- Vitamin A
• strengthen tissue and resist bacterial diseases and
strengthen the skin
• found in meat and dairy products , eggs, fish ,
- Vitamin D
• composed under the skin by the sun's rays
• responsible for installing calcium and phosphorus in
the body
• deficiency leads to rickets in children and
osteomalacia in adults
• offline in fish , liver , eggs and cod liver oil
- Vitamin E
• the growth and functions of the genitals
• helps in the healing circulation disorders ,
atherosclerosis and wound healing
• available in peanut oil and margarine , eggs and
• deficiency causes infertility and muscle atrophy and
abnormal accumulation of fat
- Vitamin K
• contributes to clot blood and activates the
functions of the liver
• available in artichokes , leeks, fish, meat , onions
, tomatoes and pears
• deficiency affects the blood clot
6 - Water
• be 70 % of body weight
• a person needs from 6 to 8 glasses of water a day
• generates urine and kidney cleans and expels toxins
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